Nekonezume's Brain-doodles

An artsy/idea-oriented blog with poems, sketches and other fun/literary-style junk. The occasional potato makes an appearance.

Monday, June 20, 2011


It certainly has been awhile!

I've been very busy with things, but I'd like to direct you all to my new blog, When I'm Inspired. I'll be updating my new writing-related things over on that end.

Sorry I haven't been updating here but I've created a whole slew of new blogs to reflect various things, and my writing now makes its comfy little home over there. Various projects, new, old and unpolished, will bubble up over there.

Thanks and hope to see you there!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

In this post I have a Halloween short story for you. This one is a children's story I wrote when I was inspired by a lovely house I walked past this autumn. I hope you like it! It's called Mrs. Winter's Witch Cats.

For as long as I can remember, we lived next door to a kindly old lady. She lived alone with her three cats, Samuel, an enormous grey tabby, Edward, a sleek and slender black cat, and Winter, a beautiful white longhair. My parents always told me she was a widow, but I was too young to know what that meant. I did know her name, though, and that was Mrs. Winter. I thought it strange she had a cat with her same last name, but Winter the cat did look an awful lot like her. Mrs. Winter had these two piercing amber-green eyes, just like a cat's, and her hair was long and white, though she usually wore it back in a single, long braid.
Mrs. Winter's house looked like a little fairytale cottage. Outside she had the most beautiful and well-cared for rosebushes and lilac trees. She had a long wooden deck that had an awning over it and looped all around the house, a little rocking chair sitting beneath. Mrs. Winter was always so busy, though, that no one ever saw her sitting in that rocking chair. All around the deck there were boxes and boxes of flowers, as well as a number of hanging plants. I suppose you can imagine how lovely the place looked in the summertime, when butterflies of all colours and sizes, as well as little ruby-throated hummingbirds, flocked to her front yard to feed on the nectar. The backyard was just as lovely, with a couple of fruit trees that we could see if we went on our toes on the fence and peeked over, and a vegetable and herb garden took up most of the soil back there. An arbor (that's what Mother said it was called) decorated with vines of roses and orange flowers I didn't know the name of welcomed whoever entered to this garden, and a little pond sat under an apple tree. Mrs. Winter had a very big backyard, and how my sister and I longed to play in it!
One day in the summer, Mrs. Winter showed up on our doorstep and knocked three times precisely. My mother answered the door, for I had been told never to answer it myself at my age.
"Well hello, Mrs. Winter. This is a nice surprise," said Mother.
"Hello, Mrs. Daly," Mrs. Winter replied. "I wonder if I might borrow your girls for awhile?" I couldn't see them, but my little sister, Beth, and I were listening from the living room, where we had been playing with our dolls.
"Oh, whatever for?" my mother asked.
"Well, you see," Mrs. Winter began, "the potato beetles have been destroying most of my potato crop this year. I thought to give your girls a small opportunity to make some pocket change." I could almost hear my mother smiling.
"I'll see how they feel about that! Girls, could you come here, please?" she called. Beth and I neatly placed our dolls on the floor - we didn't want to hurt them after all - and we gathered ourselves and rushed to the door, where Mrs. Winter was standing, smiling pleasantly.
"Good afternoon Trill and Beth," she said to us. "My, how you've grown. How old are you both?" Beth and I glanced at eachother, and the little bite of her lip indicated that I should be the one to speak.
"I'm eight," I told her, "and Beth is five." Beth nibbled her lip again.
"Hi," she said meekly.
"Now, children," said Mrs. Winter, "would you like to come help me in the garden, please?"
A half an hour later, Beth and I stood in Mrs. Winter's garden, a bucket in each of our hands.
"Now, what I'd like for you to do is carefully pluck any beetles that are yellow with stripes off any plants you see and place them in the bucket," said Mrs. Winter. "Take care not to kill them," she added.
"Why don't you want us to kill them?" I asked. "Aren't they pests?" Mrs. Winter smiled.
"Even pests are a very important part of the world around us, Trill," she told me. "It's very important that we not kill these beetles. If we do, they may not be food for other creatures, like birds and spiders. We will take them someplace else to thrive so that they may not harm us any longer." I paused to let this sink in, then nodded. Mrs. Winter smiled again.
"We will take them out together, and I will count all of the beetles in your buckets and give you a dime for every one," she said. After this was said, Beth and I glanced at eachother, and away we went, scouring potato plants all over and picking off the little striped beetles we found. Every now and again I would drop one of my beetles in Beth's bucket. As she was a fair bit younger than I at the time, she wasn't quite as fast to see or take the beetles from the leaves as I was. Every time she noticed me dropping a beetle in, though, she'd swat my hand.
"Stop it, Trill, I can do it on my own," she scolded me.
An hour later, we had picked every potato beetle in the vicinity of the garden and no more could be found. Mrs. Winter had gone into the house about ten minutes before, and she was just returning as I had secretly placed the final beetle found in Beth's bucket.
"Well done, girls!" she praised us. As we looked over to her, we saw her carrying a round tray with two glasses of lemonade and a small blue plate with four cookies on it. "You've worked very hard, so it's time for a break. We'll put a lid on your buckets so the beetles won't escape - " as she said this, she placed the tray on the back steps of the deck " - and then we'll have a little treat. How's that?" She gave us each a couple of bucket lids that she had left on the deck, each of them peppered with tiny holes, and we snapped them atop the buckets before any beetles could escape. Beth had already made a run to sit on the steps of the deck, for that much work for such a small child was tiring, especially on such a hot day.
"Look, Trill," said Beth, pointing to the cookies on the plate. "They look like cats." Indeed, each cookie was cut out to look like a cat, and all of them had icing to look like one of Mrs. Winter's cats. One had black and grey icing like Samuel's tabby stripes, one was all in black icing like Edward's sleek coat, and one was done in pure white like to look like Winter.
"Those cookies look like my cats, if you've noticed," said Mrs. Winter with a smile. "That's because I think about my cats all the time - even when I'm baking. They're my best friends." As she said that, Edward walked by and brushed against my arm with a friendly purr. "Edward is the friendliest one," continued Mrs. Winter, "Samuel is a bit of a big grouch, and Winter's a little bit aloof, but they're all wonderful cats." Beth giggled as Edward started to lick her hand.
That was the end of that particular discussion. My sister and I ate our cookies and drank our lemonade, then Mrs. Winter asked us to take a walk with her, and to bring the beetles in the buckets along and we would count them together.
We started walking down the street. Not too far from where we lived, there was a little park with a pond that was home to some ducks and geese. Mrs. Winter led us down the little path that wound down through maple trees and circled around the pond. This path led us to a little meadow where we could hear all sorts of small creatures chirping and singing.
"Girls, this is where we're going to let the beetles fly free," she said as she stooped down to the ground, letting her long skirt fold up beneath her. She handed each of us our bucket, and we prepared to remove the lid.
"Wait," I blurted, "how are we going to count them if we're going to let them fly free?" Mrs. Winter smiled very slightly, and somewhat suspiciously. That smile surprised me; I suddenly knew she had a most peculiar plan.
"Just wait and see," she said in a quiet voice, "and perhaps some magic will help us out." Beth and I looked at eachother, and we were hardly able to contain our excitement. "Now, on the count of three, remove the lid and cast the bucket out, and see what happens!" Beth and I looked at eachother, grinning, and then we started to count together. On three, we swiftly removed the lids and we pitched our buckets forward. What happened amazed us both.
The group of potato beetles all leapt out of buckets and took to the air in flight. They all flew together, like a gaggle of geese would, and created a swarm. Then, they started to take on a collective form, and spelt out the number "56" in midair!
"Wow!" Beth and I gasped together. We could scarcely believe our eyes. I glanced toward Mrs. Winter, who wasn't paying me any mind; she was gazing at the beetles herself. She gave a little wink toward the beetles, and suddenly they dispersed and flew off. I saw her look toward us then.
"Well," she said with a mysterious smile, "it looks like I owe you girls five dollars and sixty cents!"

Over the next several months, Mrs. Winter had been getting us to help her out a little around her house. Usually this was with growing things of all kinds. She would always give us the cat-shaped cookies when our work was done, as well as a drink to refresh us. Each time we helped, one of the three cats would be watching us intently. Each one had a different way of telling us we did something wrong, also. Samuel would yowl loudly at us or swat at us, Edward would brush up against us and direct us to show us how to do it right, and Winter would merely lie there and block us from doing it wrong again.
"They're funny cats," I said to Mother one night over supper, "they always know when we don't do something right and tell us in their own ways."
"Cats don't do that," Mother replied. "You're imagining things."
October arrived, and the leaves were changing their colours and falling to the ground. The day before Thanksgiving, Mrs. Winter had us over to help her with her pumpkins. When we walked into her backyard, we immediately noticed all kinds of lights winking in and out, sparkling in thin air and spiralling down before disappearing. Beth and I gasped in wonder and tried to catch one of the lights.
"What are these?" I asked as Mrs. Winter watched us. "Are they fireflies?" Mrs. Winter chuckled.
"It's a bit cold this time of year for fireflies, don't you think, Trill?" she asked me.
"I suppose," I replied, stopping to look at her. "But then, what are they?" Mrs. Winter smiled and shrugged.
"I'm not really sure," she said in reply. "They're certainly magical though, aren't they? They always appear around autumn then get stronger and stay with me through winter, to keep me company and keep me interested in things." Beth and I looked at eachother.
"Through winter?" I asked. Mrs. Winter nodded.
"Yes, my least favorite season," she said gravely. "I can't stand the winter." As if on cue, Winter the cat walked delicately past with her dainty little nose in the air. Mrs. Winter stooped to give her a gentle pat. "Of course I don't mean you, my dear," she chuckled. Beth and I glanced at eachother again, but then shrugged and set to helping Mrs. Winter with her pumpkins. As a special treat, she let us each take home whichever pumpkin we liked from her garden, and she helped us to carve those pumpkins after Thanksgiving had passed.
A couple of weeks later, the day before Halloween had arrived, and Beth and I were busy making last minute preparations with Mother.
"I want to be a friendly witch!" I cried happily as Mother worked away at her sewing machine to make the perfect little witch's dress for me.
"I want to be the black cat!" Beth cried in reply, bringing her hands, balled up like paws, under her chin and making a little meowing sound. I giggled and scratched her on the head.
"Good kitty!" I said.
"Meow!" Beth replied. Mother shook her head with a little laugh, but then we were all surprised as we heard a knock at the door.
"Girls," said Mother, pausing a moment in her sewing, "could you go look through the peephole and see who it is? If it's someone we know, send them in. If not, come and get me. Otherwise, I'll keep sewing for now." Beth and I raced to the door, and being the taller one, I was allowed to look through the peephole. Looking back was Mrs. Winter, though I don't think she could see me. I jumped excitedly and pulled the door open, to which I was greeted by a familiar smile.
"Mrs. Winter!" my sister and I said with uncontained excitement.
"Hello, girls!" Mrs. Winter replied. "I'm looking for some very special help today." Beth and I looked at eachother with wide eyes. Mrs. Winter had never said special help before . . . this must be very important, indeed! "Will you girls help me decorate my house for Halloween? I have the outside taken care of, but not the inside." My eyes widened, and if I had been looking at Beth at the time, I'm sure I would have seen her eyes growing just as wide. You see, at this point, neither Beth nor I had ever set foot in Mrs. Winter's house, and the two of us had always spoken of the interior in hushed voices and utmost secrecy, spinning wild tales with our childish imaginations. It was thus our time to discover if those tales were true, or mere fancy. Beth and I nodded hastily, and we called to Mother to inform her of where we were going, then scooted out the door after Mrs. Winter, our hearts beating frantically with excitement. When we arrived at the doorway to Mrs. Winter's house, we stood outside for a moment with bated breath as Mrs. Winter entered.
"Well, girls, are you coming in, or are you going to stand there all day?" she asked as she peered at us from inside the house. Beth and I glanced briefly at eachother, and as the older sister, I took it upon myself to take a step over the threshold first.
When you are eight years old, you begin to lose faith in your imagination. Things that used to seem plausible in your mind seem to lose credibility when you turn eight. Imagine my surprise when I was told expressly by merely looking at the interior of Mrs. Winter's house that my imagination still had some significance, and that not everything I made up in my mind was wrong or silly.
Mrs. Winter's house was simply magical, and there was no other word to describe it. No wallpaper or plain colours graced her wall; she had murals of trees everywhere you looked, and on the ceiling there was a sky of a different sort in every room. The main room had what looked like an early morning sky, with some lingering stars and dark blue on one side but a pink-streaked lavender on another side, merging to a bright coral, then pale orange, then the beginnings of a light blue. The living room, as I glanced there, had a cerulean blue afternoon sky, dappled with puffy and friendly white clouds. I couldn't see any other rooms immediately, but I could assume that the kitchen had a glorious sunset, and the bedroom had a peaceful night sky with a sprinkling of stars and - probably accurate - constellations. The trees on the walls had little lights that peeked out in mushroom-shaped sconces, and when I looked closely enough, I couldn't tell if the lights were actual lightbulbs or fairy lights. All of the furniture in the house, that I could see, had a very elegant cast to it, with delicate swirls carved into the very wood and velvet green cushions. I took a glance back at Beth, who was trembling in excitement. Mrs. Winter stopped at the end of the hallway and smiled at us.
"Do you like my house?" she asked cheerfully. Beth and I nodded vigorously and stepped forward to follow her. Just then, the three cats, Samuel, Edward, and Winter ran by. As they ran, we noticed a little trail of bright, shining dust trailing behind each of their tails and hanging in the air behind them. Each cat had their own distinct trail; Samuel's was silver, Edward's was bright orange, and Winter's were pink. Beth and I stared after the cats, then I gave one of the pieces of dust a little poke. It merely drifted lazily in the air a moment before settling back to where it was. I was sure I heard it giggle, so I jumped back in surprise and looked toward Mrs. Winter, who was standing there with the cats sitting around her. Interestingly, a wreath of the sparkling dust had floated up to form a slight aura about her person, and the cats were flicking their tails gently, sending off more of the dust. The most curious part was the fact that there was nothing on the cat's tails, leading me to believe that the dust was coming out of the cats' tails, not off them.
"Come here a moment, girls," Mrs. Winter said. "I have a favor to ask of you for decorating." Beth and I hesitated for a moment, but I stepped forward and walked over to where Mrs. Winter was standing. She smiled at me and gestured to the cats. "My cats have a very special ability. They can make pretty baubles and lights, but they won't last longer than midnight on November 1st. I thought both of you would like to see these lights, girls, as well as the other children in the neighbourhood." At last, I found my tongue.
"Is that was was trailing behind the cats just now?" I asked. Mrs. Winter nodded in reply. "How do they do it?" I hastily added. Mrs. Winter winked.
"Who knows?" she said. "Magic."
"How do you want us to help?" I asked as I approached Mrs. Winter.
"Watch this," she replied. She reached out her hand and plucked one of the motes that was drifting around her from the air, then, holding it in her hand, she moved it over to the wall and placed it there, where it hung as though it was suspended by something. "If you could do this all through the entryway and living room, I would be very grateful." A sudden excitement welled up inside of me, and I was no longer nervous. I stepped forward and plucked several of the motes out of the air, one of each colour, and off I went, placing motes in the air through the room. Beth made a very pretty collective of them by a tall and elegant lamp, which stood in the corner of the living room. To me, the lamp looked as though it was being lit by dozens of brightly coloured orange and pink fairies, and by shining silver ones as well. I left the living room to Beth and stayed in the entry, myself, placing some of the sparkling motes against the wall by the painted on trees. This made the trees look as though they might be growing some brightly-coloured fruit. I stopped a moment when I saw a picture hanging from the wall. It was hung where a tree branch had been painted, and it was made to look as though it was in fact hanging from the tree. I placed the motes in the air in front of me to hang as I examined the picture.
This picture was a photograph of a smiling man, probably just a bit younger than my grandfather at the time. Underneath the picture was a small plaque which read "Samuel Edward Winter, Oct. 31, 1934 - Nov. 1, 2001". I blinked a few times, then heard Mrs. Winter's voice behind me.
"Ah," she said quietly, "perhaps you've just discovered the secret of my three cats." I blinked and turned around quickly.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Winter," I uttered hastily, "I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine!" Mrs. Winter replied, lifting a hand. "That is a picture of my husband, Trill, a year before he died. I named each of my cats after one part of his name. After he died, you see, I needed some company, so I got these three." As she spoke those words, Samuel, Edward, and Winter all came over and sat down beside her.
"Why?" I heard Beth say. I turned and saw her walking from the living room into the entryway. "Why did you name them after your husband?" Mrs. Winter chuckled.
"That's a little funny, actually. You see, when my husband died I was so angry and upset that I wanted to forget about him, but when I got the three cats I couldn't think of anything to name them. Sam had three sides to him, you see. A grumpy side," - here she gestured to Samuel - "a warm and friendly side," - she gestured to Edward - "and a vain side," - she gestured, finally, to Winter. I pointed to the dates on the plaques.
"So is that why the magic runs out on November first?" I asked. Mrs. Winter arched her eyebrows, clearly surprised.
"My, you are clever girls! Yes, though I have no way to prove it, I believe that is why," she said.
"But how come the cats can do magic?" Beth asked, tilting her head to the side.
"I'm really not sure, to be honest with you," Mrs. Winter said with an apologetic tone. "I think that when Sam died, some of the magic he brought to this house stayed behind and attached itself to the cats when I brought them in." She smiled a little, her eyes shining with hints of sadness, but perhaps some happiness as well. "That's what I think."
Beth and I finished with our decorating. When we were done, all of the entry hall and living room looked like an outdoor fairy palace. The painted trees shone with pink, silver and orange motes, which also hung in various places in the air. The three cats sat to Mrs. Winter's side as she handed my sister and me treat bags.
"Stop by tomorrow night when you're trick-or-treating. The magic is its strongest on Halloween and you'll really see those lights shine!"

The next day, Beth and I were dressed in our Halloween finery.
"Meow meow," said Beth.
"Come on, Edward!" I said to her. Mother looked at the two of us in absolute bewilderment.
"Edward's a boy's name, dear," she said to me.
"But he's the nicest one," I told her, without further explanation. Mother looked at me, again extremely baffled, but she asked no further questions.
"Remember to stay just to our street," she told us, "and don't go into any strangers' houses."
"We won't," I reassured her.
"Meow meow," Beth echoed in a similar tone. Mother handed us each an empty pillowcase, and we were on our way. We said that we would wait until the very last house to see Mrs. Winter so we could spend some extra time with her, and see the house in full decor after dark. We could hardly contain our excitement as we walked down our street, the sun setting behind us. Finally, an hour later, we were walking back towards home, our pillowcases very nearly filled with candy, cans of pop, chocolate and chips. Our arms were getting heavy and sore, but we stopped by Mrs. Winter's house all the same, of course, and knocked three times on the door. Moments later, Mrs. Winter opened the door.
We were very surprised to see how youthful Mrs. Winter looked, suddenly. It was as though she had reversed time and aged fifteen years younger. Her hair was lovely and black with only slight greying, and some of her wrinkled had revsered themselves. We were shocked. What surprised us still was the music and sounds that we heard inside.
"Come in, girls!" said Mrs. Winter. She opened the door wider, and in we went.
The house looked incredible. The light motes had transformed themselves into little fairy spiders made of pure light, and they were connected by wispy light webs. Accompanying their transformation, they were giggling, singing, and whirling about the room in random patterns; some of them were moving slowly, and others quickly. Suddenly, Samuel ran past our feet in hot pursuit of one of those spiders. I could only guess that the other cats were doing the same.
"Well, these lights have never behaved this way before!" Mrs. Winter said. "Girls, you did a really wonderful job decorating! I can't help but wonder if you might have some magic, yourselves!" Beth and I looked at eachother. We couldn't help but wonder, either!
As fairy spiders and their ghost webs wizzed past us, singing and giggling, Mrs. Winter plucked two fairy spiders out of the air. One was an orange one, which was my favorite colour, and a pink one, which was Beth's favorite colour.
"If you have your own magic," Mrs. Winter said in a low voice, "if you wish hard enough, maybe it will work around you all the time." She handed these spiders to me and Beth, where they crawled up our arms, shoulders, then to the top of our heads, where they stayed in our hair like barettes. We looked at eachother and grinned.
"Happy Halloween, girls," said Mrs. Winter, leaning down and collecting us in a hug.
"Happy Halloween, Mrs. Winter!"
As we left Mrs. Winter's house, I could have sworn I saw the picture of her husband Sam on the wall winking at us. It was probably only my imagination, though.
The next day, we walked by Mrs. Winter's house and got a quick glimpse of the inside, as she was just walking out the door. Not only was every fairy spider and light web gone from the house, but Mrs. Winter looked every bit as elderly as she had in days before, and not at all like she had on Halloween night. She waved to us, and as we waved back, our fairy spiders moved just slightly on our heads. They were still there, reminding us that perhaps Mrs. Winter had been right when she said we had magic of our own. For then, anyway, we had certainly had a wonderful Halloween adventure with our wonderful next door neighbor, who was undoubtedly a witch of some kind, and her lovely little witch cats.

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Sunday, June 01, 2008


There exists a land with unspeakable beauty. It is almost sentient in its purity and because of this, few dare to speak of it for fear that it may not appear the next time it is searched for. It all begins with one's favorite forest, and allowing yourself to become completely lost in it.

Begin by entering your forest of choice and looking for any part of the forest you have never fully explored. Find something unfamiliar, then keep going until nothing is familiar. When you try to go back, you'll find that everything is unfamiliar now. Even if you went completely straight from the path, you will not find your way back. Instead, you will find the woods around you beginning to change. As you walk along, regardless of the time of year, you will find everything to be lush and green. Everywhere you look, flowers, moss and fungi will be growing in droves. Even the deadest of stumps will be covered in a soft blanket of green moss, a vine of flowers snaking about it and even a mushroom or two growing from it. If you look carefully, you may even see a trail of flowers growing from one area to another, being led by an indiscernible ball of bright opalescent light.

Finally, the sounds will change. You'll be able to hear running water before long. Follow that sound and you will find a stream coming up from underground, with tiny fish with rainbow scales swimming in it and water so clear you can see straight to the bottom, no matter how deep it gets as you travel. As you follow the stream, you'll find the forest come to a gradual stop, a wall of roses barring it and a secret door within that wall. All who try to avoid the door by climbing the wall tend to find themselves right at the very beginning: the entrance to their favorite forest. If you decide to look for a bit, though, you'll find the silver key which opens the door. I won't give you any hints. If you open that door, you'll find that place beyond beauty, beyond purity. A place of another world.

The area is an outcropping of a cliff with a pillar made of polished white marble. Who polishes it is anyone's guess, but on this pillar is a garden with small animals, brightly coloured insects and more flowers than you could dream of. Small, well-trimmed trees with tiny lemons catch the light like citrines. You can hear the sound of water, and if you look just beyond this garden, there is a waterfall cascading down the green, tree-covered cliff face into a pool below, the waterfall creating a rainbow in its wake. The pool is fairly large and deep, with purple waterlilies and a number of colourful pebbles at the bottom. Rumor has it that one could find gemstones in that pool, but I've never looked. A few fish swim here, some turtles and frogs as well, and on a moonlit night one could see a pair of swans, one black and one white, bathing in the light and in the water. Indeed, on nights lampposts seem to grow from the ground and light the entire place.

Finally, if your heart is pure and you truly want to see what lies beyond, you will see a door behind the waterfall. This one doesn't require a key. All you need to do is open it.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Detective stuff

I'm really big on mystery and detective stories right now, particularly really intricate mysteries that require a lot of thought before the mystery can be solved, by the reader/observer or by the characters in the story. I'm currently reading Death Note: the Los Angeles BB Murders and it's really intriguing. It's not the best-written story but it's also translated, though I'm not fond of the narration style. Regardless, the mystery is really intriguing.

The lead would probably be a smart female detective who is a very quick thinker. I'm not sure exactly what the plot would be but it would be written somewhat backwards to let all the threads tie in together.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

Important repost

On April 17, 2006, I wrote this poem for my Great Aunt Doris, who had Alzheimer's. Almost two years after I wrote this poem, on April 24th, Aunt Doris passed away. I'm going to read this poem tomorrow at the funeral. I thought I would repost it in honor of her loving memory. I edited the end slightly.



A decorated tin filled with
Little white shortbread cookies with
Little rainbow sprinkles that make the
Milk turn colour sits on the
Kitchen table.
A small fold-out table made of tin with
Sturdy aluminum legs and the peaceful scene of a
Forest brook in autumn, surrounded by shady sepia foliage and
The glimpse of a deer is set up before the
Couch, with a
Small box of dominoes spilled over in preparation for
A game to be played.
I can't quite tie my
Shoes yet, but he helps me.
Two bunny ears. Tuck under. Pull. Now it is a

An overstuffed yellow armchair sits by the
Dusty screen door, and beyond that is the
Porch, where the
June bugs used to collect at night and buzz in our ears.
Strawberries grow here too, I remember, within the
Tufts of pale green grass.
She has me gather them in a
Porcelain dish that is wreathed with
Painted-on autumn leaves. I pick them and
She washes them for me, and
We eat them together.

This is what I remember, and though
You cannot, I will keep remembering
For both of us.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lonely but never alone

I had a dream last night that inspired me to write this little bit here. Not sure if I'll continue with it later or what.


Natski's eyes fluttered open. A cold, grey light was pouring in from the nearby window, and she heard a faint tapping. The room was as cold as the light, causing her to shiver as she attempted to leave the bed. The strong arm about her waist, however, prevented this, and she had to stall before trying again.
"Where are you going?" asked the voice of the man beside her.
"To the window," Natski replied, quietly.
"To what end?" the man murmured. His arm tightened about her and she felt his breath on her neck, leading to his lips pressing to her in a kiss.
"I'll - be back in a moment," Natski said uncomfortably. She felt the arm about her waist tighten and release, as though in an affectionate squeeze. Any intended affection was lost on Natski. She escaped and fled to the window, which she opened with haste. She faced away from her husband, who had rolled over in their bed to watch her. She stifled a shiver as the cold air greeted her.
"Cold morning," she murmured, leaning forward slightly - she leaned out of her husband's view.
Quietly, the man who had been making the tapping leaned forward and gave Natski a kiss, again out of view from her husband. He had been sitting there all morning, gently tapping and waiting for this moment.
This beautiful, painful moment.
Natski felt tears sting her eyes as she leaned into the kiss, those same eyes drooping to a close. Her body was no longer controlled by her mind; she let her emotions be her puppetmaster. Her arms wrapped around her love's neck and tightened. She could feel her husband's eyes from the bed. She didn't care.
"Come away from the window, my love," came her husband's voice. It wasn't a comforting way of saying it. It was more of a scolding. Natski broke the kiss, her tears flowing freely.
"Just a moment longer," she said softly, more to her beloved before her than her husband in the bed. The man before her obliged her in a tender kiss with the haunt of finality, and then Natski stepped back away from the window.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, then glanced back to see her husband staring at her love with an icy glare. Her husband placed an arm tightly around Natski's waist, leaned forward, and shut the window with his other hand. Then he kissed Natski so her beloved could see, and pushed her away from the window.


Yeah, definitely could use some editing. I hope you enjoyed, however. I may write more eventually; maybe I'll edit it later.


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Monday, March 17, 2008

Because it's what I do. . . .

. . . I started another new blog!

I won't be posting anything on this one right away, as it's about my home area which I'm currently not at, but Fundy Blog will be a collection of photography, videos and writeups about my home off the Bay of Fundy. Somewhat of photojournalism and such. I'll be adding things periodically so check it out! I'll be home for at least part of the weekend, so if the weather's nice, maybe I can take a few pictures. Or maybe I'll get lucky and find some deer in the backyard!

Keep your eyes open hereabouts . . . a lot of time has freed up in my life for this sort of thing, so I'm hoping I can get a lot of creative work done in the next little while.


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